On September 25th, in Brussels took place the Review Meeting of the Project POSEIDON (Plasmonic-Based Automated Lab-on-Chip Sensor for the Rapid in-Situ Detection of Legionella), the three-year project to fight Legionella, funded by the European Union HORIZON 2020 program for research and innovation funded by the program of ' EU HORIZON 2020.
The task force coming form Italy (Clivet, Protolab, ARC - Research Applied Centre, Warrant Group), Sweden (Uppsala University), Spain (Catlab - CAT) and the Netherlands (Metrohm Applikon) presented the European Community Control Committee the results of the first 18 months of activity for the development of the device for the automatic optical detection of optical automatic detection of the pathogenic Legionella Pneumophila bacteria.
The committee judged the results satisfactory and approved the financing of the second phase of the project, with the construction of a prototype of this device and its testing.
Next meeting is scheduled in Padua on December 15th and 16th.
During this meeting it will be delivered the prototype to be installed by Clivet in the air renewal and purification unit ZEPHIR3 for the testing phase.
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