September 26th 2015, the ErP (Energy related Products) Delegated Regulations will come into force for all heating and hot water products and for systems composed from the combination of these devices.
What do the ErP regulations require?
all room heating and domestic hot water production equipment with rated power up to 400 kW or a volume of up to 2000 litres must meet the criteria for Ecodesign, also on the basis of minimum seasonal energy efficiency requirements
all room heating and domestic hot water production equipment with rated power up to 70 kW or a volume of up to 500 litres must comply with not only the criteria for Ecodesign on the basis of minimum seasonal energy efficiency requirements, but also maximum noise levels (for heat pumps) and energy labelling requirements
What is the purpose of ErP regulations?
Considering that about 80% of energy consumption of a house is for heating and domestic hot water production, the ErP regulations are an extraordinary opportunity to develop an high efficiency technology market, reducing energy consumption and safeguarding the environment and the future world.
The Energy labelling enables the end customer to know the characteristics of the appliances or the system for heating and to be aware of its purchase in terms of energy saving, addressing its choice to high efficiency products and systems.
And Clivet products and systems?
New regulations highlight the excellence of the heat pump in terms of energy efficiency, sustainability and cost savings for the end user.
Clivet, which always focuses its proposal on solutions granting complete and sustainable comfort, offers a wide range of systems and heat pumps with efficiencies ranging from Class A to Class A+++.
Also as far as acoustic aspect is concerned, Clivet products and systems ensure maximum acoustic comfort.
In this way Clivet passes the very strict regulations to which heating equipment manufacturer are subject from 26th September.
Download the ErP regulations guide
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